Wednesday, January 26, 2022

I Am Woman

 Hear me roar! (That means I'm about to offend people again, and I really don't care.) Consider this your only warning, as well as your opportunity to walk away, and go troll somewhere else.

Self-declarative 1: I am a woman. In every sense of the word - biologically, emotionally, physically, etc. I was born this way, and I won't apologize for it. I am content to continue to be what I am. I am NOT, however, a feminist. 

Self-declarative 2: My personal beliefs and faith are mine, and you are not obligated to share them. I have many friends with whom I disagree on certain points, but we are still friends. We have learned that we can be, in spite of differences in politics, religion, and other major idealistic opinions.

Self-declarative 3: I don't make posts and blogs for the sole purpose of seeing what kind of reactions I can stir up. I make them because I have the right to self-expression, and I want to exercise that right. Your opinions aren't really necessary, and many times are not wanted. I'm just having my say on my page, in my blog.

Now that's done, if you're still with me, thanks! :)

And it's not too late to change your mind and go read someone else's post.


Once again, I'm seeing posts and articles about why women exist. Oh, how I want to go "enlighten" a few testosterone-loaded idiots! Not to mention educate their female counterparts on why God created male AND female. It wasn't just for sexual pleasure and producing offspring, folks. I'm not a degree-toting theologian, but let me help you out a bit.

Genesis 1:27 is the first record of God's creation of mankind in two genders. "Male and female he created them." Yes, verse 28 gives the instruction to "be fruitful and multiply". But the human population at that time was two, not several billion. But it didn't stop there. Try reading Genesis 4:18, where God states that man (who was created first) should not remain alone, but needs a helpmeet (an assistant, a partner, a co-worker, a friend). The animals were not sufficient for the task, so in verse 22, God took a rib from Adam and created Eve. Guess what, guys! That woman on your arm is to be considered a part of you! She's not property. She's not a toy. She's not just your personal bedwarmer. Stop treating her like that, and saying it's God's will and instructions for marital bliss. God never instructed you to abuse or take advantage of any woman. You don't carry that "manhood card" because it was never issued!

Men, stop telling your wives that they exist just for your sexual pleasure, and they should be totally submissive in the bedroom. You're not behaving like the head of the house when you do this. You're behaving like a domineering jerk who has chosen not to exercise any self-control when it comes to your own lust. 

Stop telling women that they are only supposed to stay home and raise babies, while cleaning house and cooking dinner. Stop telling your daughters that is why God created them. Stop telling them they don't need to be well-educated, or shouldn't concern themselves with having personal cash. Stop telling them they should be 100% dependent on a man for every aspect of their life and well-being. These are more lies and propaganda. And they are NOT biblical. These ideas have been taken completely out of context from the Bible's instructions, and twisted around to suit particular individuals and groups. (You know who you are!)

Take a look at Ephesians 5:25-31. You've heard and read it before, I'm sure. And just as easily forgotten or ignored it because it doesn't fit in with your personal ideals. "Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her".  Physical, emotional, psychological, and sexual abuse are not methods of love, but control. Ladies, that's a two-way street. Don't treat your spouse like garbage and call it love, or admonition in the Lord. That's a flat-out lie.

Women were not, and are not, creatures who cannot manage to walk without a man telling them where to place their feet. They are not ignorant, and were not meant to be kept ignorant. Our place in your lives is far more than just "barefoot and pregnant".