Tuesday, April 9, 2019

A Trial Run at Blogging

It seems everyone has a blog these days. I've actually had mine for several years, but just let it sit somewhere in the darker recesses of the internet. Why? Well, I wasn't actually sure what to do with it. But now I've decided. My head is often full of random thoughts and ideas, so where better to put them than out where the whole wide world can read about it?

I've been to quite a number of bloggers' sites, and the one thing that really stands out is the number of people who create false accounts just so they can troll and stir up friction amongst others who leave comments. For this reason, I may disable the comments for a particular post altogether. I've got a habit (bad or good, who cares?) of expressing myself. Sometimes I do it poorly, and other times I do it so well that it tends to inflame those who disagree with me. Guess what? I DON'T CARE if you think differently. I do, however, care if you leave rude, ugly, hurtful, or disparaging remarks on my page. Do that, and expect your comment and any replies to it to be deleted as soon as I read them. I can do this because it's MY BLOG. Play nice, or go home.

What will I post about? Well, all my kids are grown now, so it's not going to be a "mom blog". I might still brag on them, or bore you with exploits of my grands, though. I don't work outside the home, so all my own activities are related to the wonders of being a homemaker/housewife. (Get ready, because I live in a rural area, and grow my own food!) But I'm more than that. Much more.

My political and religious views are -get this- MINE. If I express them here, that's my choice. But don't expect me to expound on the wonders of the government's stupidity, or explain why God didn't make us all rich.

Will I monetize my blog? Don't know. I'm not doing this for the money, but who can say no to a few extra pennies here and there?

In the end, I hope you enjoy reading my posts, and maybe we can all learn something useful from one another.